Saturday, March 2, 2019

Lake Ontario Entombed A House In Ice

This house along the shore of Lake Ontario was buried in
ice this past week when high winds send waves
crashing onto shore, where the water froze. 
We all know what a pain in the neck it is to clear snow and ice from around our homes after a winter storm.

I bet, though, you've got nothing on this house, pictured in this blog post along Ramona Beach in Pulaski, New York, along the shores of Lake Ontario.

The massive wind storm that shoved mountains of ice onto the shore of Lake Erie last weekend also whipped across Lake Ontario. Lake Ontario had some of similar ice shoves, but much of the lake, unlike Lake Erie, was not frozen.

This allowed the 70 mph wind gusts to crash big waves onto shore. The waves sprayed onto trees, driveways and houses, where it froze. 

This house seemed to get the worst of it. It's now entombed in about three feet of ice. The worry, of course is, what will happen when the ice melts? Will the water flow into the house, ruining everything?  Or has the ice already done much of that destruction?

Other houses around Ramona Beach in Pulaski are covered in ice, too, but not as badly as this house.

Here's a great news report that gives you a great look at this mess:  

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