Friday, March 15, 2019

It's Not Just the United States Lately: Germany Was Hit By A Tornado, Too

Damage from a strong tornado in western Germany this week. 
While that big mega storm in the middle of the country was, among other things, spinning off a few tornadoes from New Mexico to Michigan, another twister caused a lot of damage in Germany.

The tornado hit the town of Roetgen in western Germany, damaging more than 30 houses and injuring five people, reported Deutsche Welle.

At least two houses had their second floors blown away, which is consistent with an EF-2 or possibly even an EF-3 tornado. (Tornadoes are judged on a zero to 5 EF scale. EF-0's have winds of 65-85 mph. An EF-2 would have winds of 111 to 135 mph.

Video of the tornado is at the bottom of this post.

Tornadoes are relatively common in Germany, though obviously not like they are in the United States. Germany had 17 tornadoes in 2018, though most tornadoes aren't as bad as the one that hit this week.

Here's a video of the tornado and its aftermath. Make sure the sound is on, you can really hear the twister roar:

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