Saturday, May 6, 2017

Thunder Snow In the Forecast For Kentucky Derby, But It's Not Weather

Jim Cantore rejoices during thundersnow during a winter storm
There's a horse in today's Kentucky Derby named Thunder Snow,
so I'm sure Cantore's excited.
I don't know if the Weather Channel's Jim Cantore is a betting man, but if he is, I'm sure his money is on the horse Thunder Snow in today's Kentucky Derby.

Yep, Thunder Snow is in the forecast at the Derby, but there's not a terribly cold, unusual storm in Kentucky. (Though it is unusually cool in Louisville today.)

But there is a horse named Thunder Snow, which has a shot, given it did win the UAE Derby recently.

Cantore is famous for his love of thundersnow, the relatively rare meteorological moment when there is lightning and thunder while it is snowing.

Thundersnow is cool, and I hope the horse Thunder Snow shakes up the Kentucky Derby. I'm not betting on anything, but we all have to love our weather-related race horses, right?

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