Saturday, February 20, 2016

Mild Rest Of The Weekend In Vermont

Unlike in Vermont's Champlain Valley, it was
rather pleasant last night in Provincetown, Mass 
I'm writing this Vermont weather summary from Provincetown, Massachusetts for reasons that are a long but pleasant story, from which I will spare you.

I'm just glad I wasn't in Vermont's Champlain Valley last night, given the bouts of snow, the blowing snow and the screaming winds that must have made for an unpleasant night.

For the record, it was quite nice here in Provincetown.

And on the bright side, the ski areas picked up a few inches of snow, which is good if you want to go out on this mild day.

The rest of the weekend in Vermont will be mild by February standards. Most of the snow and rain showers in Vermont are moving out, but there still is a risk of light rain showers today.

Winds will gradually diminish today, but it will still be on the breezy side. But it will be in the 40s. Maple producers: Check your sugarbushes. The sap will probably be running today and tomorrow.

Sunday is going to be mild, too, but a cold front coming in might produce a few scattered rain or snow showers, especially toward the end of the day.

After seasonably cool weather Monday and Tuesday, we're still watching a storm for Wednesday.

I still don't know what kind of storm, to be honest. The computer models are all over the place. Some take it up through Michigan and the Great Lakes, which would quickly change snow to rain in Vermont.

Others take it close to Vermont, which make for an ugly mix. A few more take it along the coast, which would produce more in the way of snow.

At the moment, the National Weather Service office in Burlington, Vermont is going with a snow mixing with or changing to rain scenario.

But stay tuned. Anything could happen with this, and we won't be able to pin it down very well until we get toward maybe Monday. That'll still give us two days or so to prepare for whatever's coming.

Wednesday's potential weather won't be the most extreme storm ever, but it could be somewhat disruptive. So we'll see

1 comment:

  1. My guess is mostly rain with no snow on the backside because that's just the pattern this awful winter.
