Thursday, October 3, 2019

A Little "Snowliage"? Also, Some Cool Weather Videos.

Some "snoliage" from last October in St. Albans, Vermont.
While Vermont valleys won't get any snow tonight, look for some
possible white capped mountains in the region Friday. 
Here in Vermont, chilly autumn weather has finally arrived. It was in the 30s most places this morning.

And, aftera relatively cool day today, we Vermonters have our first shot at some "snoliage" tonight and tomorrow.

Snoliage is a slang term I and many others use when snow dusts fall foliage.

Relax, us valley dwellers won't get any snow overnight. But we're in for a chilly, raw rain overnight, with most of us in the 30s and low 40s while it's raining.

That sets the stage for the possibility of some mountain snows. There won't be much, but the mountain peaks could be white by tomorrow for the first time this autumn.

So get out your cameras. Changing autumn leaves with snow capped mountains make for some great photos. Especially as skies clear during the day Friday.

Watch out, though. If you have any late season plants and gardening outdoors, the chill will last into Saturday morning. Most places away from the immediate shores of Lake Champlain will probably be frosty overnight Friday and as dawn breaks Saturday.

None of this is extreme for Vermont this time of year, of course. For those of you who want to look at something extreme, here are some recent storm videos for your.

Here's some footage of Hurricane Lorenzo in the Azores.  It was one of the strongest storms to hit the Azores in decades.  Now it's a post-tropical storm, but a powerful one that is set to give Ireland quite a blow today. Here's the Azores:

This past week, a nasty flood, unrelated to Lorenzo, hit the Isle of Man in the British Isles. Watch:

I still can't get over that snow in late September in Montana.  These are some incredible images in this video:

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