Monday, January 27, 2020

Would You Live In This Frozen Apartment Block?

I hate cold rooms in the winter.

You sit around, you want to read a book, watch TV, whatever, and it's cold. By cold, I mean 64 degrees or so. I'm wimpy.

So I wrap myself in fleece or a blanket and go about my day.

Imagine, though, if you lived in a building that was filling up with ice.

That's the fate of some people who live in a Siberian apartment block, in which the heat system, which is supposed to be powered by hot water, basically fell apart.

The large apartment block in Irkutsk, Siberia, has been filling up with ice from those broken water pipes.

The weather in Irkutsk is currently mild by their standards. (Highs mostly in the teens, lows between 5 above and 10 below most days, which is a good five to 10 degrees above normal for them).

There are still a few corners of the building that have heat, and the few remaining residents are huddling in those parts of the structure.  But so far, municipal officials have not moved these families out of this obviously dangerous building.

On top of that, spring will eventually come to Irkutsk.  What will happen when that huge volume of ice within that building will melt?

Here's a news video about the situation, with some breathtaking images from inside the building:

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