Tuesday, February 26, 2019

All The Stupid Complaints About Meterologists In One Handy Video

This dude plays the archetypal dumb cluck who says all
the dumbest things to meteorologists in a worthwhile video.
I'm not a meteorologist. Just a weather geek. I definitely have training in meteorology, but didn't go the full distance to get a degree in it.

I'm not super great at more advanced math, which a meteorology degree requires, so I went with a journalism degree.

Basically, that means I'm not smart enough to be a full-blown meteorologist, pardon the punny weather reference there.

Meteorologists are really, really smart. However, arguably more than any other profession, they have to put up with an awful lot of outspoken stupidity raining down on them. (There I go again.)

Not all meteorologists are on TV, but they are the ones who constantly get harassed about their wardrobe. As if that aspect of a weather person is the most important. Female meteorologists seem to be most targeted here.   As if the most important thing about a televised tornado warning is the color dress the person delivering said warning is wearing.

Speaking of which, people always complain when regular programming is interrupted by a tornado or some other severe weather warning. The warning might not be for a location close to you, so you scream that the warning interrupted a critical moment of "Wheel Of Fortune."

You really don't care if the TV meteorologist is trying to save lives eight counties over. "Wheel Of Fortune" is so much more important, right?

Then the meteorologists get dinged for a slightly inaccurate forecast, or the forecast is accurate but people don't understand what a 30 percent chance of showers means. Crackpot tinfoil hat-wearing onspiracy theorists are angry because meteorologists know chemtrails are bullshit fiction. People would rather believe some Russian bot on the internet than a real, live scientist, I guess.

Anyway, rant over. This rant will continue in this entertaining and what meteorologists would say is a way-too-familiar scenario in this video:

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