Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Rescue The Animals! Videos Of Animals Being Rescued From Wildfires, Floods

Image from a police bodycam as the officer wearing it
rushes into a California animal shelter to grab dogs and cast
and take them to safety as a wildfire bore down. 
Two recent videos made me happy that people do remember animals in disasters.  As wildfires and flash floods struck, people sprung into action.

Not only are people driven to save each other from harm, thank goodness there are people who remember our dog and cat and other animal companions.

The first video is bodycam footage of police rushing into an animal shelter as the Carr Fire near Redding, California bears down on the building.

By the way, the Carr fire was likely started by a camper on a highway that got a flat tire. The rim made contact with the asphalt, sparks flew into the brush and the fire started. The owners of the camper, an older couple are distraught that they accidentally started the fire and feel responsible.

Victims of the fire, many of whom lost their homes, are sending letters to the elderly couple assuring them it was not their fault and they should not feel bad.

Back to the animal rescues, Big rush to get them out, but it worked. All were saved. Watch:

Next, we go to New Jersey, where a flash flood threatened the lives of 80 dogs trapped in a doggie day care center as water began to pour in. Personnel at the place tried to get the dogs to safety, but there were too many of them.

The dogs began barking and howling so loudly in panic that people inside a nearby gun range (!!) heard them. The guys dropped their guns, went to the dog day care center and got all the dogs to safety.

Seventeen of the dogs spent the night safely at the higher and drier gun range overnight until their human companions could retrieve them. (No gunfire to scare the dogs, the place was closed while the dogs sheltered there.)

The dogs weren't the only good boys in this scenario, that's for sure. Watch the news clip:

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