Monday, June 30, 2014

Colfax, Wisconsin Surveillance Camera Shows Even Weak Tornadoes Are Scary

A neighborhood in Colfax, Wisonsin, not far from
the gas station in the video, below.  
An EF1 tornado, with winds estimated at between 85 to 90 mph, hit the town of Colfax, Wisconsin a few days ago.

A surveillance camera at a gas station captured it as it tore through the parking lot.

I have no idea why the owner of the car in the foreground left his window open, but that was probably the least of his worries when the tornado came along.

And the driver of the pickup truck looked like he saw the tornado coming, said "Oh, shit," and turned around.

Good thing. He still probably got caught in the twister, but at least he minimized the chances a two by four would go through his windshield and embed itself in his forehead.

Luckily, no injuries were reported in this tornado.

The surveillance camera video makes you understand why it was indeed a lucky break nobody was hurt:

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