Saturday, July 30, 2016

Is New England In For Some BADLY Needed Rain?

Rain clouds over Lake Champlain, Vermont a
few summers ago. We're hoping that a possible
soaking rain actually materializes Sunday afternoon
through Monday night. We'll see. 
The other day I riffed about increasing drought conditions in many parts of the Northeast. Since then a little rain has fallen in spots, but not enough to really make a difference.

And now, chances are looking up for the at least the possibility of a soaking rain, though it will in no way, shape or form erase the dryness. But definitely could help.

A sluggish, weak but wet little storm system is coming out of the Ohio Valley and heading into the Northeast.

It's still a little unclear exactly how much rain will fall in a given area.

It's also a little questionable as to where the heaviest rain will fall between tonight and Monday night.  My best guess at the moment is an inch or two over much of the eastern half of New York and the northwestern half of New England.

The good thing about this area of unsettled weather is it's going to take its time moving through the Northeast, giving it plenty of time to at least drop some rain.

 Like many wet weather spells in the summer, I imagine it will be kind of spotty. Some small areas could get a couple inches, other areas a couple or three dozen miles away much less.

Again, this won't solve the Northeast drought, but if admittably iffy forecasts of a fairly decent rain over the next couple of days turn out to be true, it's all good.

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